Marsh Creek Farmstead: How to Make Comfrey Salve - from

How to Make Comfrey Salve - from

Comfrey is an amazing herb with many uses.  Learn how to make a salve for soothing minor bumps and bruises. ~The Homesteading Hippy #homesteadhippy #fromthefarm #naturalmedicine #comfrey

Comfrey is an amazing herb. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and decongestant properties that make it a must have for many home herbal apothecaries.

I like to have it as a salve to use on bumps and bruises, and to help soothe pain from sprained wrists and ankles. With kids in taekwondo, and a busy homestead, those things happen on a regular basis around here. I usually make a batch of this every 3 months or so in order to keep up with demand. You only need some dried comfrey, which you can find at my affiliate partner, and some carrier oil. I used fractionated coconut oil here, but you can use almond, hemp seed, or even olive oil for this.
Comfrey is an amazing herb with many uses.  Learn how to make a salve for soothing minor bumps and bruises. ~The Homesteading Hippy #homesteadhippy #fromthefarm #naturalmedicine #comfrey

Place about 2 grams (weighed) of the dried comfrey into a clean glass jar.

Cover the herbs with about 1 cup of oil. Carefully place in a pot of barely simmering water and cover the jar to keep the essential oils in. Allow to sit in the barely simmering water for 45 minutes. Don’t allow the oil to get too hot. I use a thermometer to make sure it stays under 100°. Allow to cool completely. For a double infused oil, drain the oil from the root and add it to new herbs and place back in simmering water for another 45 minutes. Personally, I have never used double infused oil for this, but there is no reason you can’t if you would like.
Comfrey is an amazing herb with many uses.  Learn how to make a salve for soothing minor bumps and bruises. ~The Homesteading Hippy #homesteadhippy #fromthefarm #naturalmedicine #comfrey

Drain the herbs from the oil using a metal strainer.

Carefully press down on the herbs to ensure all the goodness is drained out of it. Put the infused oil back in barely simmering water and add 1 tablespoon of beeswax and slowly melt together. Remove from heat and allow to cool completely before use. Label and store in a cool, dry place. Use within 6 months.
Comfrey is an amazing herb with many uses.  Learn how to make a salve for soothing minor bumps and bruises. ~The Homesteading Hippy #homesteadhippy #fromthefarm #naturalmedicine #comfrey

To use, simply apply a thin layer to bruises, sprains or owies.

You DO NOT want to use this on open skin, however, as it may irritate the healing. This is only for surface wounds that are closed like bruises and sprains.
Comfrey is an amazing herb with many uses.  Learn how to make a salve for soothing minor bumps and bruises. ~The Homesteading Hippy #homesteadhippy #fromthefarm #naturalmedicine #comfrey